Design And Motion Planning of Two Module Indoor Pipeline Robot
Arun.M.G , Saravana Kumar. "Design And Motion Planning of Two Module Indoor Pipeline Robot", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V9(10),475-478 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper deals with a design and motion planning algorithm of a pipeline robot that can be used for inspection of 80–100 mm pipelines in an indoor pipeline environment. The robot system uses a four dc motor to drive and steer the robot and spring loaded mechanisms to assure that the robot moves through difficult paths like pipe curves.To grip the pipe walls,it uses two supporting supporting wheel is fixed tightly to grip and the other wheel loosely . Unique features of this robot are the 6 wheels, the analysis of the spring balance is to supporting the movements, a closed-form kinematic approach, and an intuitive user interface. In addition, a new motion planning approach is proposed, which uses springs to interconnect two robot modules and allows the modules to cooperatively navigate through difficult segments of the pipes. Furthermore, an analysis method of selecting optimal compliance to assure functionality and cooperation is suggested. Simulation and experimental results are used throughout the paper to highlight movements and approaches.
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DC motor , PIC microcontroller, Relay,LED, web camera;