Various Database Attacks and its Prevention Techniques
K.A.Varunkumar , M.Prabakaran , Ajay Kaurav , S.Sibi Chakkaravarthy , S.Thiyagarajan , Pokala Venkatesh. "Various Database Attacks and its Prevention Techniques", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V9(11),532-536 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Increasing in the popularity of internet, the application of database also widely spread. There are some serious threats because of hackers done various attempts to steal the data in the database. Various attacks like Sql injection, Cross site scripting may change the information in the databases which decreases the truthfulness of the database. Intrusion detection system is used to detect whether the attack is carried on the database. In this paper we surveyed different types of database attacks carried by hackers and some of the prevention techniques to protect the database management system.
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Database, sql injection, cross site scripting