Studying Methods of Estimating Heat Generation at Three Different Zones in Metal Cutting: A Review of Analytical models
Ajay Goyal , Shailendra Kumar , Suresh Dhiman , Rajesh Kumar Sharma. "Studying Methods of Estimating Heat Generation at Three Different Zones in Metal Cutting: A Review of Analytical models", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), V8(10),532-545 February 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The temperature rise during machining would severely affects the quality of work as well as tool life, if goes beyond a limit. Prior estimation and control of this temperature rise have always being a thrust area for machinists in adopting the optimum machining parameters. Though the temperature rise can be measured experimentally but reliable and time tested mathematical model(s) will serve the purpose in a better way. Mathematical model(s) is handy and economic as compared to experimental methods for set of machining parameters. A number of mathematical methods are developed, and the results have been compared with reality. In this paper efforts have been made to review and systemize the study of all such major analytical methods developed in past to identify the future scope of research. Further, a Comparative study of merits and demerits of experimental methods for measurement of temperature rise developed, in past is tabulated.
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Analytical models, experimental methods, temperature rise, metal cutting, primary deformation zone, secondary deformation zone, tertiary deformation zone