A Study on Utilization Aspects of Stone Chips as an Aggregate Replacement in Concrete in Indian Context
Saiyed Farhana , Parmar Bhumika , Prajapati Jayesh , Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda. "A Study on Utilization Aspects of Stone Chips as an Aggregate Replacement in Concrete in Indian Context". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(8):3500-3505 Jul 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group.
The high consumption of raw materials by the construction sector, results in chronic shortage of building materials and the associated environmental damage. In the last decade, construct ion industry has been conducting various researches on the utilization of industrial waste products in concrete in order to reduce the utilization of natural resources. India is pioneer in the exploration, mining of commercial rock deposits and in establish ing a firm base for stone industry. Of the 300 varieties of stone; being traded in the world market, nearly half of them are from India. The study concerns mainly on the possible use of stone waste in construction industry, which would reduce both environmental impacts and the production cost. Concrete works in construction industry is particularly important as it is not only responsible for consuming natural resources and energy but also its capacity to absorb other industrial waste. Presently large amounts of stone wastes are generated in natural stone processing plants with an important impact on the environment due to its disposal. Stone chips aggregate are generated as a waste during the process of cutting and polishing of Marble/Granite/ Kotastone. This Research Study describes the feasibility of using the Stone Waste chips in concrete production as partial replacement of natural aggregates in Indian context and to red uce disposal and pollution problems. As aggregates are being an important part of concrete by volume and cost . Too , it’s necessary to find an effective alternative to reduce the overall cost of concrete without affecting its properties. Stone Chips have such potential as they possess good physical and chemical properties.
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Stone chips, natural aggregates , concrete, cost