RTOS Based Priority Dynamic Scheduling for Power Applications through DMA Peripherals

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2013 by IJETT Journal
Volume-4 Issue-8                      
Year of Publication : 2013
Authors : Srikanth.K , Narayanaraju Samunuri


Srikanth.K , Narayanaraju Samunuri. "RTOS Based Priority Dynamic Scheduling for Power Applications through DMA Peripherals". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(8):3660-3664 Aug 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group.


Embedded Real Time application use s multi threading, a key concept of any conventional OS. The advantage of multi - threading include greater throughput, more efficient use of CPU so that it cannot remain idle for long time, better system reliability, improved performance on multiprocessor computer. The use of Real Time Operating Systems (RTOSs) became an attractive solution to simplify the design of safety - critical real - time embedded systems. In this mod ern world, the execution of power applications with their priority at runtime is more important for industrial applications. In this paper, the main focus is on execution of different power applications using priority dynamic scheduling during runtime. Acc ording to the User, at runtime he can assign the priorities for power appliances and change the priority according to the user need, each power application named as Task . The embedded software applications require performing a task which is efficiently ach ieved by dividing the global task into many smaller subtasks. Previously the application of embedded system solutions to power applications are based on unique algorithm which in take maximum amount of time for CPU utilization. Most of such power applicati ons simply go for DSP processors, which in turn takes a simple hardware design based on digital signal controllers or 16 - bit microcontrollers. For such simple power applications, the rich peripherals for communications, data logging and compact microcontro llers are used. For an a pplication that does not use or refer RTOS, may go for complex software architecture based on timers that are available inside the microcontroller. T he c o ncept o f d y n a m ic a ss i g n m ent o f pri o r i t ies t o inter r u p t s is u s ed w h ich r e d u c e s t he t i m e del a y fo r a l o w er pri o ri t y ta s k u n der s o m e cir c u m s ta nces bec o m e s a higher pri o ri t y ta s k . We are using ARM with combination of RTOS (ucos - ii) to minimize the complexity of system. In this paper we are doing the scheduling of the tasks o r power appliances through Direct Memory Access (DMA) peripherals to optimization of performance of the CPU utilization.


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ARM controller, RTOS, Task scheduling, Priority based Dynamic scheduling, Direct Memory Access (DMA).