Image Fusion On Mr And Ct Images Using Wavelet Transforms And DSP Processor
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2013 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-4 Issue-10 |
Year of Publication : 2013 | ||
Authors : Sonali Mane , Prof. S. D. Sawant |
Sonali Mane , Prof. S. D. Sawant. "Image Fusion On Mr And Ct Images Using Wavelet Transforms And DSP Processor". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V4(10):4298-4305 Oct 2013. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group.
Medical image fusion is a technique in which useful information from two or more recorded medical images is integrated into a new image. It can be used to make clinical diagnosis and treatment more accurate. Wavelet transform fusion considers the wavelet transforms of the two registered source images together with the fusion rule. The fused image is reconstructed when the inverse wavelet transform is computed. Usually, if only a wavelet transformation is applied, the outcomes are not so helpful for analysis. But, better fusion results may be attained if a wavelet transform and a traditional transform such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) transform is integrated. Hence a new novel approach is introduced in this work to improve the fusion method by integrating with PCA transforms. Haar wavelet decomposes a signal into frequency sub-band at different scale from which registered image can be perfectly reconstructed. As stated above, the Hardware support results show that the scheme can preserve all useful information from primal images in addition the clarity and the contrast of the fused image are improved.
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Fusion, Wavelets, PCA Transform,Haar transform, Blackfin DSP processor