A Remotely Secure E-Voting and Social Governance System Using Android Platform
Pranay R. Pashine , Dhiraj P. Ninave , Mahendra R. Kelapure , Sushil L. Raut , Rahul S. Rangari , Kamal O. Hajari. "A Remotely Secure E-Voting and Social Governance System Using Android Platform", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V9(13),671-676 March 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The present system of casting votes has resulted in a number of problems such as low percentage of voting, late results, discomfort to old aged and handicapped people etc. Voting through EVM has not been able to address these problems completely. To overcome these lacunas an attempt has been made to introduce an android application specifically designed for electronic voting that will enable peoples to vote securely from anywhere without moving to a voting machine by using their own Mobile phone or any device running on Android Operating System (From Android 2.2–2.2.3 To Android’s Latest Version). This will provide a new degree of user comfort, security and greater mobility. This will also enable peoples not only to cast their votes securely but also to interact with the electoral candidates throughout the pre-Election as well as post-Election process. A direct interaction between the Election Commission, Candidates & Voters can thus result in making a reliable, Transparent and effectively people oriented Government.
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Android, Gesture Recognition, Secure Remote Voting, Social Governance, Voice Commands.