An Improved Fractional Fourier Transform Based Reconfigurable Filter Bank for Hearing Aid
A.Jayeshma , D.Sunderlin Shibu. "An Improved Fractional Fourier Transform Based Reconfigurable Filter Bank for Hearing Aid", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(6),276-279 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The problem of reducing noise in hearing aids is one of great importance and great difficulty. The problem has been addressed in many different ways over the years. The techniques used range from relatively simple forms of filtering to advanced signal processing methods. Filter banks for digital hearing aids must use significantly different criteria than those designed for coding applications. For digital hearing aids, the filter bank channel gains must be adjustable over a large dynamic range to compensate for the hearingloss. This paper presents a filter bank designed exclusively for hearing aid applications. Here we propose a fractional Fourier transform filter for reduction of noise in hearing aids. Our method enables hearing-impaired people to customize hearing aids based on their own specific conditions to improve their hearing ability. An experimental result is evaluated and shows the proposed method has high performance when compared with existing methods. The simulation results show that the proposed filter bank achieves good matching between audiograms and filter magnitude responses. The filter delay is significantly reduced compared to that of the other filter bank methods.
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Decimation, frequency-response masking, interpolation, reconfigurable filter bank.