A Review on Security of Fingerprint Template Using Fingerprint Mixing
Jayashree Sonar , Mr.S.O.Dahad. "A Review on Security of Fingerprint Template Using Fingerprint Mixing", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(8),402-407 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Biometric recognition systems are becoming powerful means for automatic personal recognition. Nowadays, fingerprints are widely used in biometric recognition systems. In the 21 st century, having your identity stolen is no longer just a fear; it`s a reality. Hence it is necessary to mitigate concerns related to data sharing and data mis use. In this method , two fingerprint from different finger are mixed to generate the new fingerprint image. Then each component is decomposed into continuous component and spiral component. Then after pre-aligning each component of fingerprint image, the continuous component of one fingerprint is combined with spiral component of other fingerprint image and vice-versa. (a) It can be used to obscure the information present in an individual fingerprint image prior to storing it in a central database.(b) mixing different fingerprint with the same fingerprint results in different identities, and (c) and is used to generate virtual identities by mixing two different fingerprint.
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Biometrics, Decomposition, virtual identity, pre-alignment , spiral component.