A Real Time Embedded System Application for Driver Drowsiness and Alcoholic Intoxication Detection
Dwipjoy Sarkar , Atanu Chowdhury. "A Real Time Embedded System Application for Driver Drowsiness and Alcoholic Intoxication Detection", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(9),461-465 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper outlines a novel approach for the real time detection of car driver drowsiness and alcoholic intoxication. There are large numbers of road accidents which takes place due to fatigue or alcohol drinking of driver. Computer vision and alcohol gas sensor application is combined to an embedded system to achieve this goal. The proposed system is realized with an open source 5 megapixel digital camera supported embedded system board Raspberry-pi loaded with Raspbian-OS, and Python-IDLE with Open-CV installed. The Raspberry-pi system board is serially interfaced with another open source embedded system board Arduino Uno with I2C protocol, which will perform some task like issuing the alarm notification and switching off the car power source to stop the car upon receiving the positive detection message from Raspberry-pi.
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Drowsiness, alcoholic intoxication, Raspberry pi, Arduino UNO, Open CV, Embedded System, Python IDLE, Haar Cascade classifier, Linux, Raspbian, OV5647, MQ-3, I2C, relay, buzzer.