An Efficient Pattern Discovery Over Long Text Patterns
T.Ravi Kiran , Ch.Sai Priyanka Rani , K.Bhoomika , K.Madhuri , L.Naresh. "An Efficient Pattern Discovery Over Long Text Patterns", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(9),470-473 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
There are several techniques are implemented for mining documents. In this text mining, still so many problems getting exact patterns in text mining. In this some of the techniques are adapted in text mining. In proposed system the temporal text mining approach is introduced. The system terms of its ability is evaluated to predict forthcoming events in the document. In this we present optimal decomposition of the time period associated with the given document set is discovered where each subinterval consists of consecutive time points having identical information content. Extraction of sequences of events from new and other documents based on the publication times of these documents has been shown to be extremely effective in tracking past events.
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