An Implementation on Detection of Trusted service provider in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
Mr.Rahul A Jichkar , Dr.M.B. Chandak. "An Implementation on Detection of Trusted service provider in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(2),64-74 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The mobile ad-hoc network consists of energy constraint devices called nodes communicating through radio signals forming a temporary network i.e. nodes are continuously switching from one network to another. To minimize the power consumption, we form the clusters with an elected cluster head (Service Provider) based on any cluster head selection strategy. As the topology of this network is time variant attributable to node mobility, nodes are continuously leaving and entering the clusters, automatically registering with the cluster head to become the member of the cluster. But, there can be a scenario where a new node wants to access a service provided by the cluster head, at this time the newly entered node is unaware of the trustworthiness of the cluster head. To establish a trusted link amongst newly entered node and CH we have adopted an indirect trust computation technique based on recommendations, which form an important component in trust-based access control models for pervasive environment. It can provide the new node the con?dence to interact with unknown service provider or CH to establish a trusted link for reliable accessibility of the service. In this paper, we shall present some existing indirect trust based techniques and subsequently discuss our proposal along with its merits and future scope.
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Cluster Head, Indirect Trust Computation, Pervasive Environment, Trust Value, Recommendations.