Enhancement of the Performance of Ring Laser Gyro using Silane Compound
A.Ramchander Rao , G.D.Purnachandra , M.K. Gupta , Dr.I.M Chhabra , K Rambabu , C.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy. "Enhancement of the Performance of Ring Laser Gyro using Silane Compound ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(4),185-187 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Ring Laser Gyro ( RLG ), in its original form is insensitive to small rotation rates. This insensitivity occurs because of the coupling between the two counter propagating travelling waves, having a very low frequency difference. The main reason of coupling between the waves is due to the scattering from the surfaces of optical components like mirrors and prisms, being used for the turning of the lasers. The scattering from the surfaces is directly related with the level of surface roughness as well as Sub Surface Damage (SSD) generated during the polishing of optical components. This paper presents the experimental studies carried out using silane compound as a modifier of polishing powder for achieving the super polishing of fused silica glass. It has minimized the surface roughness and in turn coupling effect between the counter propagating waves, enhancing the performance of the RLG
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RLG, Surface Roughness, SSD, Silane compound