Review of Linpack and Cloudsim on VMM
Bohar Singh , Pawan Luthra. "Review of Linpack and Cloudsim on VMM", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(6),265-269 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Virtualization is a framework of dividing the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments which offers a lot of benefits including flexibility, security, ease to configuration and reduction of cost but at the same time it also brings a certain degree of performance overhead. Furthermore, Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is the core component of virtual machine (VM) system and its effectiveness greatly impacts the performance of the whole system. This review paper will try to describe the basic knowledge about various virtual machine monitors such as VMware and VirtualBox. It also discussed and explores the benchmark LINPACK and CloudSim available for cloud computing. This benchmark and CloudSim can be used to measure the performance of two different virtual machine monitors in terms of processing speed, time, bandwidth, quality and response of the cloud computing network.
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LINPACK, CloudSim, Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), Virtual Machine, VMware and VirtualBox.