Automatic Detection of Buildings from Aerial Images Using Color Invariant Features and Canny Edge Detection
Shraddha Singhal , Sudha Radhika. "Automatic Detection of Buildings from Aerial Images Using Color Invariant Features and Canny Edge Detection", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V11(8),393-396 May 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Automatic detection of damaged buildings from aerial and satellite images is an important problem for rescue planners and military personnel. A method for detecting the buildings from high resolution color aerial images is proposed in this paper. The aim is to extract the buildings from high resolution color aerial images using color invariance property and canny edge detection technique. The buildings on the aerial images are 2-dimentional structures which are mostly made up of regions having borders being straight line which depicts edges in the images. The color information in the aerial image using a specific color index is extracted. The green area is separated by vegetation green from color aerial image. Then the primary colored roofs such as blue and red is segmented with the help of the primary color bands, such as red, green and blue bands. Once red, blue roof tops are segmented and separated from the imagery. Using canny edge detection method, the other colored roof tops are also segmented. Our proposed method is able to detect 85-90% buildings from color aerial images
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Aerial Images, Building Detection, Canny Edge Detection, Color Based Segmentation, Color Index