Improving Predictability by Blending VSM with KANBAN
Mukesh Kumar Tiwari , Prof. Mrs. Suman Sharma. "Improving Predictability by Blending VSM with KANBAN", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(5),209-218 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Value flows in every process, and early days was of focusing on Value Addition at every such intermediate stage of process. However, with evolution of KANBAN, JIT under the umbrella of the Toyota Manufacturing System (TMS) emphasized on eliminating waste i.e. Muda( A Japanese Term for Waste, Commonly used in Toyota Management System) and gradually Value Addition is replaced with evaluating Process as a Value Stream and Mapping critical activities. VSM, has become a significant tool these days to analyze, evaluate Process from Status Quo to carve it future State by eliminating inherent Waste(Muda) within the process.
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Kanban, JIT, Muda, TMS, Value Stream, VSM, TPT, Takt.