CFD Analysis of NACA 63-018 Airfoil at Different Reynolds-Number
Abdul Azeez VP , John paul. "CFD Analysis of NACA 63-018 Airfoil at Different Reynolds-Number ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(5),258-264 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper numerically investigated the evolution of the aerodynamic performance parameters and flow field of two-dimensional airfoils called NACA 63-018 at different Reynolds numbers 3×106, 6×106 and 9×106 with different angle of attack ranging from 00 to 160. The airfoil was modeled by using CATIA V5 and the analysis was carried out by using CFD technique ANSYS FLUENT 14.5. The results were compared with published data of CL and CD for the airfoil. The error lies within 5-10 % as compared with the published values of lift, while the corresponding error for drag values is lying between 8-30%. The pressure and velocities are plotted in form of contours, The results show that the lift coefficient and drag coefficient are the function of angle of attack both are increasing with increasing angle of attack whereas the drag coefficient decreasing with increasing Reynolds number with cruising lift. The maximum lift coefficient occurred at 120 for Reynolds number Re=3×106 and 140, 160 for Reynolds number 6×106 and 9×106.
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Angle of attack, Airfoil, CFD, Coefficient of lift, Coefficient of drag, Reynolds number.