Development on Gas Leak Detection and Location System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review
Miss. Sindhu S Kale , Amairullah Khan. "Development on Gas Leak Detection and Location System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(6),308-310 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Gas leakage detection and monitoring may cause heavy economic :losses and serious environmental pollution, through wireless sensor network is considered to be more economical for industries gas leakage. Main purpose of this system model is to avoid damages and locate the leakage point. These problems can be solved with the help of WSN based on ZIGBEE. The entire control system is based on low power ARM LPC 2103 microcontroller and ZIGBEE techniques. The gas sensor node helps in collecting data regarding gas leakage and provides the particular leakage area of sensor node address is located. The collected information is sent to the central monitoring unit to update the data. Data are continuously transmitted from ZIGBEE sensor nodes 2 to ZIG-BEE coordinator. This system provides performance and helps to detect automatic gas leakage location. This paper focus on overall design of a system.
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ARM LPC 2103 microcontroller, Sensors, WSN, Wireless Monitoring, ZIGBEE.