Soft Pre Generalized - Closed Sets in a Soft Topological Space
J.Subhashinin , Dr.C.Sekar. "Soft Pre Generalized - Closed Sets in a Soft Topological Space", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(7),356-364 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper introduces soft pre-generalized closed set in soft topological spaces. The notations of soft pre interior and soft pre closure are generalized using these sets. In a soft topological space, a soft set F_A is said to soft pre generalised –closed if p((F_A ) ? ) ? ?F_O whenever F_A ? ?F_O where F_O is a soft P-open set . A detail study is carried out on properties of soft Pre generalized closed sets and soft PT1/2 Space.
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Soft pre generalized-closed set, Soft pre generalized –open sets, Soft pre generalized interior, soft pre-generalized closure, soft PT1/2-Space .