Inadequate and Poor Electricity Metering Affect Energy Efficiency End-user Behaviour in Nigeria
Divine N. Utazi , Nnaemeka S. P. Obuka. "Inadequate and Poor Electricity Metering Affect Energy Efficiency End-user Behaviour in Nigeria ", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(8),371-377 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Electricity metering has been identified as one of technologies where end-use energy efficiency can particularly be encouraged in households through its impact on tenants’ behaviour. Inadequate metering is one of the immediate obstacles facing Nigeria power industry. In other to further increase energy efficiency capacity considering the economic and environmental benefits, this review takes a look at the electricity metering situation and how it affect energy efficient end-user behaviour in Nigeria. Energy efficient end-user behaviour is a critical parameter to the success of each national energy policy and programs. Metering gives consumers’ clear and comprehensive information about their energy consumption and, with providing better information, can help consumers to become more energy efficient. In other to encourage efficient use of electricity in Nigeria, the Distribution Companies (DISCOs) should adopt a firm policy for 100% metering.
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Electricity, Metering, Energy Efficiency, End-users Behaviour, DISCOs, Nigeria