Feasibility Study of Sustainable Sweat Evaporative Fridge in Jorhat(26.750n,94.220e),Assam
Prof. P.B.Barua , D.Sarma , J.K.Sharma , M.Rahman , A.Boruah , H.Gogoi. "Feasibility Study of Sustainable Sweat Evaporative Fridge in Jorhat(26.750n,94.220e),Assam", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(8),414-420 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents the feasibility study of sustainable sweat evaporative fridge in Jorhat, Assam. The first experiment was done on solar powered eco-fridge. The results obtained after one month observation indicated that the solar powered eco-fridge is not effective in Jorhat .The difference in atmospheric and inner temperature obtained was only about 2-30 C. The factors affecting the performance were Relative humidity, Air temperature, Surface area of evaporation, Air movement. Amongst these the controllable factors are surface area of evaporation and air movement. Considering these factors the model was modified accordingly to bring about forced evaporation. The results indicated that there was a drop of temperature to 2-30C above wet bulb temperature. Further in the third model the air was dried using silica gel to drop the wet bulb temperature inside the container. With this arrangement a temperature drop upto and also sometimes below the wet bulb temperature was achieved.
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sustainable sweat evaporative fridge, solar eco fridge, latent heat of vaporization, relative humidity, silica gel induced drying.