On the Landslide of Daigala Slope-Kurdistan-Iraq

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-12 Number-10
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamed M. Jassim , Dr. Zahra’a Noori Rasheed , M.Sc. Bahra Dhahir Ghafour , Dr. Faris Rashied Ahmed


Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamed M. Jassim , Dr. Zahra’a Noori Rasheed , M.Sc. Bahra Dhahir Ghafour , Dr. Faris Rashied Ahmed. "On the Landslide of Daigala Slope-Kurdistan-Iraq", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(10),503-509 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group


The strategic two-lane road (Erbil – Koya) is the main link between Erbil and Suleymaniya governorates. It passes through Daigala bridge whose edge from Koya side is adjacent to a curved section which experienced a slope failure (Fig. 1) in the form of rotational sliding which progressed into a slump failure through the mechanism of “progressive failure” after the overburden soil and sediments were fully saturated with water due to some heavy rain storms which happened at the end of January 2013 leading to the loss of cohesive force and triggering that failure which was developed into a progressive failure by the action of additional loading which was imposed by the heavy traffic of big oil tankers which were running on the adjacent paved road. The research team tried to study and analyze this failure by collecting some soil samples (both disturbed and disturbed) from the study area and performing different laboratory tests in addition to some in-situ field tests by using the “Inspection Vane Tester, H – 60” for the purpose of enabling this study and analysis. The location of the study area was described and illustrated by providing a location map and the geological settings were explained. As a theoretical background, the different modes of soil slopes failures and their conditions were presented. At the end, some conclusions of this study were outlined and few recommendations for future remedial measures were eventually made.


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Rotational sliding, slump failure, landslide, slope stability, cohesion, angle of internal friction, progressive failure, factor of safety, Atterberg limits.