Approaches for Enhancing the Performance and Security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Roopa.M , Selvakumar Raja.S. "Approaches for Enhancing the Performance and Security of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V12(10),515-520 June 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In past few decades the wired network has been migrated to wireless network. The mobility and scalability of wireless network made it possible in many applications.The next stage of advancement was Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET). As compared to the other wireless networks that need a centralized node, fixed network infrastructure and limited coverage range , a MANET does not require a fixed network infrastructure and there is no limitation in perimeter. Here every single node works as both a transmitter and a receiver. The nodes are self-configuring and communicate directly with each other when they are within the same communication range. Otherwise, they rely on their neighbours to relay messages. The open medium, continuous advertisement by a node ,and wide distribution of nodes make MANET vulnerable to malicious attackers. The nodes act both as routers and as communication end points. This makes the network layer more prone to security attacks. . Also due to the distributed nature the identification of the threats becomes difficult. In this paper a survey is made on- types of attacks , intrusion detection system(IDS) , protection mechanisms , prevention techniques, security solutions and vulnerabilities in MANET to reduce the computational complexity during data communication.
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Mobile Adhoc network , Security, IDS