Characterization and Frequency Analysis of One Day Annual Maximum and Two to Seven Consecutive Days’ Maximum Rainfall of Panam Dam, Gujarat, India

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-13 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Kapil Shah , TMV Suryanarayana


Kapil Shah , TMV Suryanarayana. "Characterization and Frequency Analysis of One Day Annual Maximum and Two to Seven Consecutive Days’ Maximum Rainfall of Panam Dam, Gujarat, India", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(2),76-79 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Annual one day maximum rainfall and two, three, four, five, six and seven consecutive day’s maximum rainfall corresponding to a return period of 2 to 100 years has been conducted for the Panam dam, Gujarat, India. Three commonly used probability distributions are normal, lognormal and gamma distribution and that have been tested to determine the best fit probability distribution that describes the annual one day maximum and two to seven consecutive days’ maximum rainfall series by comparing observed values with tabulated Chi-square value. The results showed that the log-normal distribution was the best fit probability distribution for one day annual maximum as well as two, three and four consecutive days, while for five and seven consecutive days, gamma distribution and for six days normal distribution fits better for the region. Based on the best fit probability distribution, a maximum of 125.56 mm in 1 day, 149.03 mm in 2 days, 168.49 mm in 3 days, 180.36 mm in 4 days, 191.64 mm in 5 days, 216.89 mm in 6 days and 213.61 mm in 7 days is expected to occur at Panam dam every two years. Similarly a maximum rainfall of 413.82 mm, 419.98 mm, 433.82 mm,456.98 mm, 470.87 mm, 473.33 mm and 520.87 mm is expected to occur in 1, 2,3,4,5,6 and 7 days respectively every 100 years. The results from the study could be used as a rough guide by engineers and hydrologists during the design and construction of drainage systems in the catchment area of Panam dam and computation of drainage co-efficient.


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return period, frequency, probability distribution, gamma, log-normal, normal, chi square, consecutive day’s maximum rainfall.