BER Performance of OFDM System in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channel
Anurag Pandey , Sandeep Sharma. "BER Performance of OFDM System in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channel", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(3),126-128 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
OFDM is being widely used in many communication systems for its ability to enhance the data rate and reduce the bandwidth. The paper gives a comparison of the performance of OFDM system using different modulation schemes under the influence of AWGN and Rayleigh fading channel. Simulations of OFDM signals are carried out with Rayleigh faded signals to understand the effect of channel fading and to obtain optimum value of Bit Error Rate (BER).
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OFDM, BER, AWGN channel model, Rayleigh fading channel model