Design & Implementation of Enhancement, Feature Extraction and Matching of a Fingerprint Image
Pintu Dhundhwal , Ms.Neeraj Maan. "Design & Implementation of Enhancement, Feature Extraction and Matching of a Fingerprint Image", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(4),184-190 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Fingerprints are a great source for identification of individuals. Fingerprint recognition is one of oldest forms of biometric identification. However finding a good fingerprint image is not always easy. So the fingerprint image must be pre-processed before matching. The objective of this thesis is to present a better and enhanced fingerprint image. We have studied the factors relating to obtaining high performance feature points detection algorithm, such as image quality, separation, image enhancement and feature detection. Commonly used features for increasing fingerprint image quality are Fourier spectrum energy and local orientation. Accurate separation of fingerprint ridges from noisy background is necessary. For effective enhancement and feature extraction algorithms, the segmented features must be void of noise. A pre-processing method consisting of field orientation, ridge frequency estimation, filtering, segmentation and enhancement is performed. The resultant image is applied to a thinning algorithm and subsequent minutiae extraction. The methodology of image pre-processing and minutiae extraction is discussed. The simulations are done in the MATLAB environment to evaluate the performance of the implemented algorithms. Results and observations of fingerprint images are presented at the end.
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Fingerprinting, pattern recognition, feature extraction, minutia details, analysis of fingerprints.