A Secure Dual Encryption Scheme Combined With Steganography
A Aswathy Nair , Deepu Job. "A Secure Dual Encryption Scheme Combined With Steganography", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(5),218-225 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
In this paper a new encoding scheme is proposed which combines encryption and steganography there by ensuring secure data exchange..Encryption hides the confidential information for the purpose of security, by converting the data in to an unintelligible form and steganography hides the data in medias like image, video, audio etc so that the detection of hidden secret is prevented. In the proposed system, the data is dual encrypted and the resultant cipher is then embedded within an image using LSB steganographic technique to ensure secrecy and privacy. The encryption algorithms used is much secure as each step in the process is fully dependent on the key. The LSB steganographic technique hides the data in least significant bits of the pixels of the image and therefore the reflected change in the stego image is hardly noticeable to human eye. The key management for the system is done using RSA encryption technique.
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Encryption, Steganography, Security, Key-Management.