Advanced Reversible Data Hiding With Encrypted Data
Shilpa Sreekumar , Vincy Salam. "Advanced Reversible Data Hiding With Encrypted Data", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(7),310-313 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The advanced RDH work focuses on both data encryption and image encryption which makes it more secure and free of errors. All previous methods embed data without encrypting the data which may subject to errors on the data extraction or image recovery. The proposed work provides a novel RDH scheme in which both data and image can be encrypted and extracted reversibly without any errors. In the proposed work, data extraction and image recovery are free of any errors. The PSNR is significantly improved in the proposed work. This advanced work also performs data hiding in videos.
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AES algorithm, Blowfish algorithm, Data embedding