Failure Characteristics and Critical Punching Perimeter of High Strength Concrete Panels
Faris Rashied Ahmed , Bayan S. Al Numan. "Failure Characteristics and Critical Punching Perimeter of High Strength Concrete Panels", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(8),367-372 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This research presents an experimental program for investigating punching shear strength of slabs, consisting of 27 high and normal strength concrete slabs. The test data from the experiment are analyzed and divided into three series primarily concerned with the effects of three variables on the punching strength of high-strength (HS) concrete slabs: the concrete strength, the slab depth and the column size and shape. The tests showed that the critical perimeter is located at a distance (1.5d) from the load area.
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Punching, Shear, High Strength Concrete, Flat Slabs, Critical Path, and Effective Depth