In Cylinder Combustion Analysis of DI Diesel Using Experimental and CFD Approach

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2014 by IJETT Journal
Volume-14 Number-5
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : Vijayendra Patil , Aashish Agrawal


Vijayendra Patil , Aashish Agrawal. "In Cylinder Combustion Analysis of DI Diesel Using Experimental and CFD Approach", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V14(5),249-254 Aug 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Combustion is one of the most complicated process in IC Engines, in DI diesel engine fuel is injected into combustion chamber with pressure more than 200 bar. Combustion causes rise in temperature in combustion chamber due to high temperature various parts of engine are subjected to thermal stresses which may cause failure of these components. In order to avoid failure it is necessary to make a study of combustion so that preventive measures can be taken. Experimental techniques are limited for visualisation of combustion and hence are costly. CFD offers the oppurtinity to carry out repetative parameter studies with clearly defined boundary conditions in order to investigate various configurations. The objective of this work is to calculate the combustion properties of four stroke (DI) diesel engine by numerical approach using CFD package. Experimental analysis will be carried out on a four stroke variable compression Diesel engine for validation with numerical solutions. The simulation starts at 317 ° CA i.e before fuel injection which is at 337° CA. The combustion process terminates near about at 50° CA after injection hence, the simulation will end at near about 387° CA. The combustion Parameters will be studied at these Crank Angles.


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IC Engine Combustion, CFD Analysis of Engine, Direct injection Diesel Engine Combustion Analysis.