Design and Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna using Slotted Substrate Structure to Minimize Fabrication Error
Sudarshan Kumar Jain , Sandeep Toshniwal , Dr.Rajesh Purohit. "Design and Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Antenna using Slotted Substrate Structure to Minimize Fabrication Error", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V15(9),434-443 Sep 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
A wide band rectangular microstrip patch antenna with resonant frequency variation characteristics using slotted substrate structure is proposed in this paper. The antenna is designed at a frequency of 5 GHz and it has wide band characteristics. Here the different resonant frequencies are received due to slotted substrate structure of the antenna. Slotted substrate structure changes the effective dielectric constant of the substrate. The antenna is energized using the microstrip line feeding method. VSWR of the designed rectangular patch antenna is less than 2. The different characteristics of the antenna such as return loss, gain, directivity, bandwidth, radiated field and VSWR is analysed for different sizes of the slots made in the dielectric substrate of the antenna. It is observed that the designed antenna gives the various resonant frequencies for the different sizes of the slots made in the antenna substrate. So this antenna can be used to minimize the fabrication error in the designed antenna without varying the patch size. Duroid is used as substrate material for the designing of the antenna. The antenna design is simulated by using the High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) software.
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Microstrip antenna, Resonant Frequency, Microstrip feeding, HFSS, VSWR