ARM Based Temperature Monitoring and Control for Milk Pasteurization
S.Boopathi , F.Parvez Ahmed , S.Thulasi Ram , T.Devika , Dr.N.SuthanthiraVanitha. "ARM Based Temperature Monitoring and Control for Milk Pasteurization", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V16(5),191-195 Oct 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The temperature monitor and control is most important of dairy products industry. The paper proposed a monitoring of temperature and control by using ARM processor. In this proposed methodology is designed and implemented by using embedded system and it monitor and control the temperature, when the temperature exceeds from predefined limits then the valve is closed automatically. This system provides more flexible accurates to monitor and control the temperature in dairy products and it is also provide effective for rectification of faults if any abnormality occurs in dairy plants by using embedded controller.
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ARM processors, sensor, open /close valve, LabVIEW.