A Brief Survey of Various Ranking Algorithms for Web Page Retrieval in Web Structure Mining
Yogita Garg, Mr. Vinod Jain"A Brief Survey of Various Ranking Algorithms for Web Page Retrieval in Web Structure Mining", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V21(3),168-172 March 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The World Wide Web consists millions of web pages that are interconnected. With the rapid growth of web it becomes very difficult to provide relevant information in respond to user’s query. Most of the users rely on search engine to search the web. Search engine provide large amount of information in respond to user’s query. In such a scenario it is the duty of service provider to provide proper, relevant and quality information to the internet user by using the web page contents and hyperlink between the web pages. So it becomes desirable to rank the pages according to relevancy. It is the job of page ranking algorithms to arrange web pages according to their relevancy to the user query. There are various algorithms for ranking the web pages. In this paper a survey of various page ranking algorithms and their merits and demerits have been discussed.
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Search Engine, HITS, Page Rank, Weighted Page Rank, VOL (Visit of Link).