A Survey of Classification Methods Utilizing Decision Trees
Prerna Kapoor, Reena Rani"A Survey of Classification Methods Utilizing Decision Trees", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V22(4),188-194 April 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Therecognition of outlines and the invention of decision rules from data is one of the challenging setbacks in discovering and learning.When continuous attributes are involved in the process the attributes should be discretized with threshold values or with various other standardizing methods. Decision tree induction algorithms craft decision trees by recursively partitioning the input space. Hence, a rule tree is obtained by traversal from the origin node to every single leaf node in the tree. The decision trees can be fiercely embodied as a set of decision laws (if-then-else rules) to assist the understanding. Inductive discovering methods craft such decision trees, frequently established on heuristicdata or statistical probability concerning attributes. This paper is about Decision Trees algorithms and their implementation mainly C4.5.
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Machine Learning, Data mining, Decision trees, C4.5, J48.