An Improved Framework for Backlight Scaled Images and Videos
Akhil Paulose, Lintu Liz Thomas, Rahul R Pillai, Chithra Chandran"An Improved Framework for Backlight Scaled Images and Videos", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V22(10),488-492 April 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Now-a-days, the major problem found in the
portable multimedia devices of today is of maintaining the image
quality under various lighting conditions. The brightness of an
image influences the battery capacity of a device. Reducing the
backlight increases the battery life of these devices. In this paper
an image enhancement algorithm is proposed that enhances an
image at low backlight, by taking the human visual property into
consideration. The just noticeable difference theory (JND) is
applied and an image is decomposed into two layers namely, the
HVS response layer and the background luminance layer. The
operations of the proposed algorithm are performed in the
background luminance layer so that luminance gradient reversal
can be avoided. The algorithm is further extended to enhance
dim backlight videos.
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