Effective Power Output Single Phase Inverter Design in Home Scale Application with Arduino Microcontroller as Control Pulse
Al Al, Sepannur Bandri, Arfita Yuana Dewi , Andi Syofian"Effective Power Output Single Phase Inverter Design in Home Scale Application with Arduino Microcontroller as Control Pulse", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V26(2),103-106 August 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper discusses the design scheme of
an inverter system which converts the DC voltage
collected from a battery into AC voltage. The
output is a sine wave, with the voltage at 220v and 50
Hz frequency output. The system consists of a bipolar
transistor driver and push pull inverter with step-up
transformer circuit and a passive filter. The power
supply supplies the DC voltage needed to activate the
opto couplers, which are connected to the bipolar
transistor driver of the push pull inverter circuitry.
The opto-couplers work as an isolation for the power
inverter circuit. Pulse Width Modulated (PWM)
pulses are generated by a microcontroller Arduino
mega and provided to the trigger of driver circuitry.
The inverter power outputs a PWM sine which is later
conditioned to pure sine by step-up transformer.
Finally, at the end of the inverter circuits is equipped
with a low pass filter to suppress distortion, to
produce a full-wave signal output which is closer to
pure sine.
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