Cross Layer Design Challenges in WMC Systems
S.Koteswari, Dr.P.John Paul "Cross Layer Design Challenges in WMC Systems". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT),V1(1):1-5 May to June 2011. ISSN:2231-5381. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.
In wireless multimedia communication (WMC) systems, data transmission inherits also all the characteristics and constrains related to the propagation to the f ree space. The layered architecture is a reasonable way to operate wireless networks. In an attempt to improve the performance of wireless networks, there has been increased interest in protocols that rely on interactions among different layers. It’s being focused on the cross - layer design for efficient multimedia delivery with quality of service (QoS) assurance over wireless networks , utilize the differentiated service architecture to convey multimedia data. Information is exchanged between different layers , while end - to - end performance is optimized by adapting to this information at each protocol layer. This paper examines the issue of cross layer design for multimedia transmission over wireless networks. This paper also presents the identifying reasonable a ssumptions and challenges in design and implementation of cross layer adaptation schemes for multimedia transmission over wireless networks. In addition this paper presents the most important parameters and constrains that should be taken into consideratio n when attempting cross layer adaptation in wireless networks that involves different protocols in the overall protocol stack
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wireless communications, wireless multimedia systems, protocol stack , cross layer design