Flex-Crete: Low Cost Concrete Using Old Vinyl Flex Banners as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate – Solid Waste Management Perspective
Saravanan J, Sridhar M"Flex-Crete: Low Cost Concrete Using Old Vinyl Flex Banners as Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate – Solid Waste Management Perspective", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V30(4),188-191 December 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Concrete is the main construction
material used all over the world. With the rapid
growth in the industry, consumption of natural
resources also increases. Consumption of natural
resources will be a serious problem if exceeds the
limits of mining. Though it is not possible to fully
replace the conventional concrete ingredients,
partial replacement becomes necessary at this
moment. But the thing is we should confirm necessity
of replacement without considerably affect the
strength requirement. In this paper, we have
proposed to investigate the effect of replacement of
coarse aggregates with flex banner, being a man
made solid waste which can pose very serious
environmental problems on solid waste management
perspective. As flex banners has all severe effects as
plastics, it becomes essential to find out the solution
for the disposal option for them. It is considered as
one approach here as using them for replacing the
coarse aggregate. With usual compressive strength
testing of cubes for replacement of two different
percentages (10 % and 20 %) the results reveals
that, there is no big difference in strength of
concrete when replacing 10% and we cannot go
beyond in replacement than 10%, since 20%
replacement leads to deficient strength achievement
for concrete.
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Low Cost Concrete, Vinyl Flex
Banners, Compressive Strength, Coarse Aggregate
Replacement, Flex-crete.