Bio-DIESEL as avant-garde FUEL for INDIA
Dr. Dharmendra C. Kothari, Dr. Jayant P. Kaware, Prof. I. D. Patil"Bio-DIESEL as avant-garde FUEL for INDIA", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V30(8),428-432 December 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Public policies, current events; scientific
and engineering advancements are dependent on
economics, management, and legislations; apparently,
they are closely intertwined. Legislative efforts can
make technological advancement more economical
while the industry develops (i.e. temporary biodiesel
road tax exemption). Alternative fuels and energy
sources are an issue of increasing importanc; not only
among the scientific and engineering community, but
also in economics and global public policies. It can
also demonstrate to engineers, technocrats and to
entrepreneurs that chemical science is not
independent of economics, and advancements in
science can yield considerable benefit to the general
public. This research covers the production of
biodiesel from any kind of vegetable oil, animal fat or
lipidic residues. It also addresses processing and
comparison to petro-diesel issues associated with
making biodiesel fuel, which is a clean, renewable fuel
that can be made from various biomass, oil feedstocks
such as waste vegetable oil, yellow grease, animal
fats, and virgin vegetable oils.
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