Framework for Testing Web Services Through SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)
Y.Prasanth , V.Sarika , D.Santhosh Anuhya , Y.Vineela , A. Ajay Babu . "Framework for Testing Web Services Through SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(2):103-109 Mar-Apr 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In today’s connected e - world Web Services is arguably the most popular and powerful software technology. This paper focuses on web services and also the various standards that have evolved over the years, such as XML, SOAP , WSDL, and UDDI. This paper advocates the need for testing web services as testing web services poses a big challenge to testing professionals because of its inherently complex and distributed nature. Web Service Automated Testing Utility will enable us to locat e and invoke web service methods directly. It supports all of the core Web service technologies like WDSL, SOAP, and it is an ideal Web service tool for testing Web services, inspecting WSDL files, automating or accelerating verification of each component when developing Web service enabled applications.
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component web service; WSDL; SOAP; functional testing.