Using Expert System Fixing Priority To The Identified Short Term Transport Facility Projects In Salem

  ijett-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2012 by IJETT Journal
Volume-3 Issue-2                          
Year of Publication : 2012
Authors :  T. SUBRAMANI


T. SUBRAMANI. "Using Expert System Fixing Priority To The Identified Short Term Transport Facility Projects In Salem". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(2):201-209 Mar-Apr 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group


Salem is the fifth largest city with a population of 7.54 lakhs (2011) in Tamil Nadu. Local Authorities faced with great difficulties to identify required various road improvement projects. Local authorities have inadequate funds to improve these road networks from all angles at any point of time. Repair or improvement works may have to be under taken on a basis which has to be decided based on socio - economic, administra tive, techn ical, political factors etc., The identified road network selected for the study comprises 162 road links in Salem Corporation. Existing traffic condition, surface condition of carriageway, street lighting, footpath condition and drainage c ondition in the Salem Corporation area has been studied in detail. Traffic volume count survey was conducted on the idendified 162 road links in Salem Corporation. Identify the type of transport facilities required for the road links. In programming proc ess, priorities are set for project implementation. Even in cases where a formal process of priority setting does not exist, the allocation of organizational and financial resources for the development of some projects over others is an implicit setting of priorities. In programming process, priorities are set for project implementation. The important technique devised in this study is working out priority indices based on measures of current conditions of the facilities. There are two approaches for fixin g the priorities to select road links to improve existing conditions. In the first approach priorities are fixed mainly based on hierarchy of road net work and considering location of road links with weightages assigned to the road links In the second appr oach priorities are fixed mainly based on location of road links and considering hierarchy of road net work with weightages assigned to the road links.


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Expert System, Priority, T ransport, Projects.