Technical Background and Principles for the Application of Solar Water Disinfection
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) | ![]() |
© 2016 by IJETT Journal | ||
Volume-32 Number-5 |
Year of Publication : 2016 | ||
Authors : Burhan Davarcioglu |
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V32P249 |
Burhan Davarcioglu"Technical Background and Principles for the Application of Solar Water Disinfection", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V32(5),238-248 February 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Conventional methods of drinking water disinfection, such as chemical treatment, heat pasteurization, and filtration, require facilities, materials, and fuel that may not be readily available or feasible to attain. An alternative treatment option is to utilize solar energy, which has been shown to inactivate pathogens through pasteurization and radiation effects. Over 30% of the population in developing countries is in need of access to safe drinking water. The lack of adequate drinking waters in developing countries is a continually growing problem due to population increases and increased demands on source waters. Therefore, water disinfection methods that are easily employed in developing countries are needed. The most recognized and established treatment is to boil the water to kill the microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, in the water. Solar disinfection is a water treatment method where a drinking water sample is exposed to solar radiation to inactivate pathogenic organisms. The type and shape of the container used for SODIS water treatment is important.
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Disinfection, Treatment, Waterborne, Drinking water, Solar water disinfection (SODIS), Microorganisms.