Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Secure Location Aided Routing (FS-LAR) in MANETs
Y.V.S.Sai Pragathi, Dr.S.P.Setty"Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Secure Location Aided Routing (FS-LAR) in MANETs", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(5),251-254 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
MANET is a collection of mobile nodes
connected by wireless links without infrastructure.
Due to inherent properties of MANETs like limited
resources, energy consumption has increased when
security is incorporated in LAR. Transmission range
is found as the influencing parameter responsible for
the increase in the energy consumption. According
to IETF draft, static values are not suitable for
dynamic environments. A soft computing technique
fuzzy logic is used to fine tune the output variable
transmission range by taking network size and
simulation area as input variables. From the results,
it is observed that energy consumption is minimized
in FB-S-LAR when compared to S-LAR.
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