Design and Analysis of Drive Shaft of an Automobile
Muni kishore, Jaligam Keerthi, Vinay kumar"Design and Analysis of Drive Shaft of an Automobile", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(6),291-296 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents the characteristic details of propeller shaft to substitute its material with composite material and suitability of material is analysed by evaluating and comparing stress distribution & deformation with in the shaft to replace the steel drive shaft with a piece of E-glass/ epoxy and E-carbon/epoxy with the help of material properties. The 3D modelling and assembly of Cardan shaft was done using CATIA V5 R21 software. Analysis is performed by using commercial FEA software ANSYS by considering static structural, Rigid dynamics and modal analysis to estimate deformation, stress under given loads and frequencies. The main objective of this paper is deduction of weight of an automobile transmission.
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Cardan shaft, transmission, differential, rigid dynamics, frequencies.