A Novel Direct Torque Controlled IM Drives Fed from CSI with Minimum Ripple Torque
N.Panneer Selvam , M.Arul Prasanna , I.Gerald Christopher Raj , Dr. V. Rajasekaran. "A Novel Direct Torque Controlled IM Drives Fed from CSI with Minimum Ripple Torque". International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT). V3(4):507-511 Jul-Aug 2012. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
This paper proposes a novel vector control strategy for Direct torque controlled current source inverter fed induction motor drives. The choice of the inverter switching vector is based on angular position of stator flux or rotor flux and on the reference and the mo tor current vectors in the switching vector plane. The performance of this control method has been demonstrated by simulations performed using a versatile simulation package, MATLAB / SIMULINK. The results prove the excellent characteristics for torque res ponse and efficiency, which confirm the validity of this control scheme.
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Induction motor , Current Source Inverter, Direct Torque Control,