Long Reach Coherent Optical OFDM System using Multiple Mid Link Spectral Inversion Modules
Harmanjot Singh, Sukhpal Singh"Long Reach Coherent Optical OFDM System using Multiple Mid Link Spectral Inversion Modules", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V38(8),436-441 August 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
CO-OFDM is a very attractive
modulation and multiplexing technique that is used
in wideband optical systems as well as optical
wireless systems. In this paper; performance of
utilizing multiple optical phase conjugate (OPC)
modules in CO-OFDM system as a midlink
spectrum inverter has been analyzed in order to
improve the performance of system in long-haul
fiber-optic channel. Firstly, performance of COOFDM
system investigated at 30Gb/s, 50Gb/s and
100Gb/s which successfully transmitted over
1800Km, 1440Km and 1080 Km link length
respectively without using any optical phase
conjugation module. Further multiple OPC
modules used in order to compensate effects of
Kerr non linearities.8400Km of long distance
transmission has achieved with acceptable BER
limits by incorporating 6 OPC modules each after
1200Km at 30Gb/s. Results are analyzed in terms
of OSNR, Q-factor for varied launched power and
results revealed that system performs best at 12dB
input power and effects of SPM decreased by using
multiple OPC modules.
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