Optimization in Electric Discharge Machining of D2 Steel with Multiple Surface Rough nesses Characteristics with the Help of Tool Produced By Rapid Prototyping by Hybrid Taguchi Method
Saumya DarsanMohanty, Siba SankarMahapatra ,Ramesh Chandra Mohanty"Optimization in Electric Discharge Machining of D2 Steel with Multiple Surface Rough nesses Characteristics with the Help of Tool Produced By Rapid Prototyping by Hybrid Taguchi Method", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V39(5),297-305 September 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The present study highlights a multi-objective optimization problem by applying utility concept coupled with
Taguchi method through a case study in Electric Discharge Machining of D2 Steel by using Electrode produced by
Direct Metal Laser Sintering using Directmetal20. The study aimed at evaluating the best process environment
which could simultaneously satisfy multiple Surface Roughness requirements. As traditional Taguchi method cannot
solve a multi-objective optimization problem; Taguchi’s Lower-the-Better (LB) criteria; individual response
characteristics has been transformed into corresponding utility values. Individual utility values have been added
finally to compute overall utility degree which serves as representative objective function for optimizing using
Taguchi method. The study combined utility theory and Taguchi method for predicting optimal setting. Optimal
result was verified through confirmatory test. This indicates application feasibility of the aforesaid methodology
proposed for multi-response optimization in Electric Discharge Machining.
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