Reactive Power Compensation for Grid Connected Distribution System using Dstatcom for Different Loads
P. Sindhuja, B. Lalitha"Reactive Power Compensation for Grid Connected Distribution System using Dstatcom for Different Loads", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V40(5),257-264 October 2016. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In power system reactive power is one of the major concerns which affect the quality of power. . Management of reactive power is defined as the improvement of the power factor value so that we can cease the generation of reactive power. The concept of reactive power compensation is related to the issue faced in power quality but in general, the reactive power compensation can be done by considering two parameters i.e., load compensation and voltage support. In load compensation the aim is to increase the power factor of the system thus the real power in the system can be increased .In voltage support, the aim is to reduce the harmonic at the output due to fluctuating supply. The compensation of reactive power is essential to improve power quality using FACTS device such as DSTATCOM. A DSTATCOM is one of the fundamental facts devices, which is used for dynamic voltage control. In this work Id-Iq control strategy is used .Using this control strategy the reference voltage and current signals are generated. These reference signals are used to generate pulses for the DSTATCOM. The generated pulses will dynamically vary depending on load variation. The proposed model and control technique is to be implemented by using Matlab/Simulink software which offers a smart tool for enhancement of reactive power for different loads using DSTATCOM, which increases the performance of system.
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FACTS-Flexible alternating current transmission system, DSTATCOM-Distributed static synchronous compensator, Id-Iq control theory, reactive power.