Multi Spectral Inter-Correlative Approach for Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition
ShaikhAfroz Fatima Muneeruddin, Dr. Nagraj B.Patil "Multi Spectral Inter-Correlative Approach for Feature Selection in Pattern Recognition", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(3),162-168 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Feature representing is a prime requirement in the pattern recognition area, where features are represented in transformed domain to get finer resolution description of image representation. In the spectral oriented feature representation, wavelet based coding are more dominantly been used for its finer detail feature representiaon. The spectral feature representation based on wavelet transformation, are more informative, however the feature counts are of large count resulting in processing overhead. Towards improving the recognition efficiency, in this paper a new coding approach based on band correlation is presented, which minimizes the number of selective band coefficients, minimize the processing overhead.
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transformation, pattern recognition, inter-correlative coding, and feature selection approach.