Experimental Investigation on 4-Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine by Using Roselle Seed Oil as Bio-Diesel
CH.Naveenkumar, G.S.R.Naga Malleswar Rao "Experimental Investigation on 4-Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine by Using Roselle Seed Oil as Bio-Diesel", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V43(3),173-178 January 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
As the petroleum based fuels are obtained from limited reserves it is an urgent need to promote use of alternative fuel. Biodiesel has been used as a renewable and potensial fuel in diesel engines. A t the same time, in order to reduce the green house gases net production research is analyzing alternative resources, such as bio-derived fuels. Review of literature suggests biodiesel as a good alternate to diesel suffering with a drawback of an increase in nitrous oxide (NOX) emissions because biodiesel contains fuel nitrogen that leads to formation of NO, NO2 during combustion. The use of vegetable oil as a fuel in diesel engines causes some problems due to their high viscosity compared with conventional diesel fuel. The present study covers the various aspects of biodiesels fuel derived from crude Roselle oil and performance emissions study on four stroke compression ignition engine.
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Bio fuel, Alternate fuel, Bio-Diesel, Roselle seed oil, IC Engine performance with bio-diesel, Blends with diesel, Oil’s for bio diesel.